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“We want to wish a Happy New Year to all the people who collaborate with the social actions developed by ABRAPEC in the care of people undergoing cancer treatment. A big hug to everyone who collaborates with ABRAPEC.”


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Gian & Giovani


“My kind, caring, educated, competent friends who have become my life, my family members I have been attending since 2011, have always treated me very well and I feel great with all the people and I have always had the help of all the employees. I just have to thank you for your kindness. May God continue to bless everyone at ABRAPEC.”

VLA serviced by ABRAPEC in Ribeirão Preto/SP

“My health was perfect, until in January 2020 I discovered a breast lump in my right breast. I had the biopsy at the doctor's request and had the worst news: a malignant cancer in the right breast. And from then on it was so difficult. I got to know ABRAPEC through an employee there. I registered with the Social Worker, where I was very well attended, they helped me in everything. E graças à ABRAPEC  eu não passei fome e  desde  junho de 2020 a Associação  me ajuda todos the months and I just have to thank you. If God hadn't put them in my path I don't know what would have become of me.”

Ilda Ribeiro atendida pela ABRAPEC unidade de São João da Boa Vista/SP      

“I would like to congratulate them for the extraordinary work they do. I was fortunate enough to meet them when I needed their services from ABRAPEC, due to a radical surgery I underwent and, for more than 1 year I needed the extremely expensive benefits of medication, as well as an external urine collection bag that I will have to use it for the rest of my life and that is provided to me  for free Membership. I am very pleased, as I know that all those who benefit from your help are also , to know an institution like ABRAPEC. May she continue to bring smiles to faces saddened by the disease.”

Apparecida Ortiz assisted by the ABRAPEC unit in Jaboticabal/SP

“I've been taking care of Gino Barbaresco since 2017 until before, but it was on this date that he started treatment after he was removed from bowel cancer. And soon after we were welcomed at ABRAPEC with all of us showing that this disease can be difficult, but with affection and respect we can go through it without suffering and even be cured. Today Gino still has the support of ABRAPEC that even the pandemic continued to take care of everyone, we just have to thank everyone, I will not name names because it would be unnecessary since everyone is ready to help us.”

Cida de Oliveira carer for Gino Barbaresco attended by the ABRAPEC unit in SP/SP.

“I am here to thank ABRAPEC for the service and to all the employees who serve us with greater affection and dedication from the reception social worker to the professionals nutritionist Reik, reflexology, psychologist and crafts etc... , I have been assisted at the Association since 2018 and always active and I don't intend to stop, I just have to thank everyone. Thank and thank everyone at for not giving up on us patients and being part of ABRAPEC and always well attended with dedication.”


Adriana Aparecida Ferraz da Silva, assisted by the ABRAPEC unit in Salto/SP

“I am immensely grateful to God first, then to all of you at ABRAPEC who for me and my family where I was wonderfully welcomed, I was delighted, I didn't imagine that people I didn't know could treat me so well. Thank God I found you, and you still treat me the same way. ABRAPEC is a wonderful NGO, I just have to thank the entire team, who are attentive and never let me down. Love you all."

Eva Gobbo, assisted by the ABRAPEC unit in Jundiaí/SP

"I got to know ABRAPEC more than 5 years ago, through colleagues and family members when I was being treated for breast cancer, and I was always well attended. I am very happy at ABRAPEC, if it weren't for you, I would be sad because it is a very difficult disease , ABRAPEC is a new beginning of life. I thank all of this team!"


Celia Rodas de Ortega, assisted by the ABRAPEC unit in Campo Grande/MS

“In 2014 after 4 seizures and 2 cardiac arrests I discovered that I was an oncology patient.  Oligodendroglioma in 1/4 of my brain and that it is impossible to remove it because it is in the occipital region of the brain. In May 2021 I took my daughter to therapy because I am a widow and she is now fighting depression because of seeing all my suffering I ended up passing in front of ABRAPE I entered and was welcomed by these angels who welcomed us and everything I would go through until years to get it in a public hospital, ABRAPEC does it for me. I just have to thank you for everything you do for me and my family.  I will remain firm here in this fight and I have a lot of faith that I will still hear from the doctors that the battle against this disease I won. "


MDFR attended at the ABRAPEC unit in Taguatinga/DF

“It is with great gratitude that I thank you for the care and attention that the whole team has in patient care  especially in this difficult phase that we seek to cure a disease that scares everyone. ABRAPEC has a very attentive team with patients and their families, the activities developed by professionals that make the difference. Always helpful in everything we need and we always ask for dedicated help in the best way possible.”


Edna Luzia de Oliveira assisted by the ABRAPEC unit in Atibaia/SP

“I got to know ABRAPEC three months ago when a friend of my daughter's told her that the Association could help me and that's what happened. For   to have an idea of how I was, I didn't leave the house for 3 months and I had depression, but after I started to be attended by ABRAPEC, my life changed completely now I don't see the time to come here and never stop at home.”


Lucidalva Pereira da Silva

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